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5 Benefits of Moringa You Did Not Know


In the health and natural foods industry the term superfood is often overused. However, when it comes to the benefits of moringa, super may not be a strong enough superlative to describe the plant also known as the ‘miracle tree.’ Moringa has 700% more vitamin C than oranges, 400% more beta carotene than carrots, 300% more iron than spinach, 400% more calcium than milk, 300% more potassium than bananas and more fiber than oats!

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While, many have never even heard of moringa, a plant native to the sub-Himalayan area of Asia, the health benefits of moringa can no longer be ignored. It has been used for thousands of years to treat everything from arthritis and asthma to bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections. It may sound too good to be true, but that’s just the beginning!

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Benefits of Moringa

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Moringa supports your immune system, mental health and overall wellness and is considered by many experts as one of nature’s most nutritious foods, as it has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, protein, and other important compounds that are easily absorbed by the body. Additionally, recent clinical studies have shown it can also reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, boost libido, as well as ease and prevent complications of aging.

1Complete Protein

Moringa is one of the few plants that is considered a
‘complete protein’ because it contains all 9 of the essential amino acids –
which the body cannot produce naturally but are require to function normally.
This combined with other non-essential amino acids in moringa offers various
healing and ailment fighting properties. 


X Benefits Of Moringa You Did Not Know

Moringa has high levels of antioxidants and other molecules
that help reduce inflammation, which is a contributing factor in many chronic
health conditions including cancer, obesity, diabetes and malnutrition. The
leaves are high in vitamins A and C, zinc, magnesium, and contain


In research conducted by UC Davis on the anti-inflammatory
benefits of moringa, subjects fed a high-fat diet along with concentrated
moringa lost weight, improved glucose tolerance and failed to develop fatty
liver disease compared with those not fed moringa.

4Lowers Blood Glucose Levels

A 2006 study conducted by researchers at the Tokyo University of Agriculture found that the benefits of moringa powder lowered blood glucose levels in diabetics. Clinical studies also show that the moringa plant has the potential to simultaneously treat both malnutrition and obesity. While the amino acids and proteins help build strong muscle and bones, the phytochemicals can increase the body’s ability to metabolize sugar so that it is not stored as fat.

5Fights Fatigue

X Benefits Of Moringa You Did Not Know

Moringa powder has a rich, nutty flavor that works well with
everyday foods. Incorporating moringa powder or caps into your diet can also
help fight fatigue by offering an energy boost. It has been shown to improve
overall mood, provide mental clarity, and contains collagen boosting amino
acids that work to both rebuild and detoxify the body and organs.

The only issue is that moringa may not be readily available at every corner store. Therefore, natural food and supplement companies have started to introduce 100% pure organic powder and caps to ensure consumers are able to get the benefits from this superfood. Powdered dry moringa leaves can provide a major health boost and maintain healthy eating habits by adding just one teaspoon to smoothies, juices, or yogurt. With a slight peppery taste similar to arugula, you can get both a nutritional and flavor boost by mixing it into salad dressings and guacamole. In South Asia it is common to add moringa to meat, soups, curries and stews.


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About the Author: Greg Rankin is a freelance writer from Houston, TX with more than a decade of experience writing about natural and holistic products.

Sources: What makes moringa good for you?

About admin

I am a father of three and my wife is a registered nurse specialized in children.

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