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5 Ways CBD Oil Helps Moms Survive A Busy Day


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Busy moms need the right amount of nutrients and energy to face everyday tasks and challenges, from taking care of the family to establishing a career. That’s why dietary sources and traditional medications are not enough, and taking supplements, like CBD oil, helps busy moms combat stress, pain, anxiety, and sleep problems. CBD oil has a lot of amazing health benefits, and you’ll learn how this cannabinoid extract can help you get through a busy day with a smile and still looking and feeling healthy.

Table of Contents

1. CBD-infused Edibles As Stress Buster

Cannabidiol or CBD is a hundred percent legal because it doesn’t contain a significant amount of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC (only a trace and negligible amount of 0.30 percent or less). It means that you can enjoy CBD without a psychotropic effect at all. That’s why CBD products are considered supplements with plenty of health benefits, like combating stress and anxiety, which are perfect for all busy moms who always want to give a hundred percent of their time to looking after the welfare of their children and family.

CBD 5 Ways How It Helps Moms Survive A Busy Day - Daily Mom Parents Portal

oil can be infused in your favorite sweets and desserts, like gummies and
doughnuts, or dishes, such as pasta and meat recipes. Eating CBD edibles is a
fun and discreet way of taking your daily CBD dose to benefit from the relaxing
effects of the compound.

Here are some tips when taking CBD edibles as stress buster:

  • Follow the CBD product dosage recommendations.
  • Make sure to keep your CBD edibles away from children’s reach.
  • The onset of effects of CBD edibles might take longer than the sublingual route or taking CBD oil drops under the tongue (30 to 45 minutes).
  • The duration of effects is also longer for CBD edibles, giving you sustained CBD benefits up to four to six hours.

2. CBD Oil To Combat Body Pains

Busy moms are usually called “supermoms”, but you’re also like other human beings who experience headaches, migraines, and other body pains due to repetitive tasks, over fatigue, and stress. However, taking pain medications, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, can cause unwanted side effects, such as stomach upset, dizziness, and mood swings. It’s a good thing that CBD oil can help.

CBD 5 Ways How It Helps Moms Survive A Busy Day - Daily Mom Parents Portal
READ MORE: Is It Safe To Use CBD While Breastfeeding?

Cannabidiol, unlike THC, doesn’t directly bind to nerve receptors. Instead, the interaction of CBD and nerves are indirect, bringing tons of therapeutic benefits. One of the main benefits of taking CBD oil is analgesic or anti-pain effect. CBD works by inhibiting the absorption of anandamide by the body, so increased blood levels of this brain lipid help in regulating appetite and pain, so the individual feels less pain.

3. CBD Oil As
Anti-aging Solution

moms are exposed to different skin stressors, like pollution, stress, lack of
sleep, and even poor diet (high-carbs or too many sweets). While beauty
skincare products are available, nothing beats alternative anti-aging
solutions, like CBD oil. Ingesting CBD oil gives your skin a kind of glow that
emanates from within, preventing early onset of aging, like fine lines and

CBD 5 Ways How It Helps Moms Survive A Busy Day - Daily Mom Parents Portal

What’s more, cannabidiol’s chemical structure is oxygen-free. Yes, CBD surprisingly has antioxidant properties, too. CBD atoms can be used by the body in neutralizing harmful free radicals to avoid cellular damage for better skin health. You can also use CBD skin preparations, such as CBD lotions and creams if you prefer these options.

4. CBD Oil For
Stronger And Healthier Body

a mom is challenging yet very rewarding. That’s why you want to give your best
and all-out support to your spouse and children at all times. However, as much
as you would like to, your body may start to fail due to poor resistance and

CBD 5 Ways How It Helps Moms Survive A Busy Day - Daily Mom Parents Portal

A better way to make your body stronger and healthier is by eating the right food and taking necessary supplements to help your body recover from infection and inflammation, such as taking CBD oil. CBD reduces cytokine levels, helping ease the signs and symptoms of inflammation for better health. Also, CBD has neuroprotective properties, preventing your risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

5. CBD For Better Rest
And Sleep

of the most sought-after benefits of CBD is its relaxing benefits. After a busy
day, you can take a recommended dose of CBD oil before you retire at night, so
you’ll have better rest and sleep. By doing so, you’ll wake up the next day
feeling energized and rejuvenated.

Surviving a busy day entails multi-tasking, quick but sound decision-making, and releasing a lot of energy at the same time. Daily household chores and juggling work and family matters can exhaust busy moms, leading to burnout. That’s why taking CBD products is one way to combat stress, manage pain and anxiety, and maintain a strong, beautiful, and healthy body.

Check out this article on Single Mom Survival Guide.

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5 Ways Cbd Oil Helps Moms Survive A Busy Day Daily Mom Parents Portal

Photo Credits: Unsplash.com

About admin

I am a father of three and my wife is a registered nurse specialized in children.

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