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The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear for Families


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For many, this year may feel like a never-ending scene from the movie Groundhog Day, but for those of us with kids who need to get outside and play, nature is calling! Late summer and early fall are the perfect times for adventures to the best beaches, exploration of the cool blue waters of the world’s oceans, or even camping trips to the mountains. No matter where your children (or you) are itching to explore, now is the time. Forget the hotels and theme parks, forego the crowds and restaurants, and simply head outdoors. Whether mountains and winding streams are calling your name, or the lobster season in the Florida Keys is more your style, we have the best outdoor gear for families, big or small, to get you on the move and prepared for anything.

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The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

If water sports or boating are part of your summer plans, then Pelican needs to be on your radar. This summer whether you are fishing the Atlantic, lobstering in the Gulf, or even simply preparing for the wild hurricane season headed our way, large families everywhere will be prepared with Pelican. Built to protect whatever you deem important, Pelican’s gear is waterproof, stormproof, durable, and intended to last, storm after storm, season after season, ensuring your gear stays safe, secure, and dry no matter where your adventures take you.

Read More: Dive Into Scalloping for Epic Underwater Adventure
The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

One of our favorite Pelican products is the Pelican 150 Quart Elite Cooler. Built to retain ice-cold conditions for up to 10 days and equipped with freezer-grade gaskets, this cooler is a beast! The dual handle system allows for easy carrying (2 people are necessary), and the press and pull latches with molded-in stainless steel locking capabilities keep your goods safe and secure. With an integrated fish scale, molded-in tie downs, non-skid, non-marking raised feet (perfect for boat decks or truck beds), and a sloped drain and tethered threaded plug, this cooler is an ideal large boat cooler, or even perfect for securing in the bed of your truck for hunting or camping trips. Additionally, this cooler is certified bear-resistant from the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee. Finally, no matter which storm zone you live in, this cooler is perfect for holding your fresh and frozen foods in case of power outages reducing waste. Accessories such as ice packs and cooler baskets are available for customizing your cooler as well.

The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

Whether you live in an area prone to storms, or simply want to protect your gear and your livelihood, Pelican has the storm case you need to safely and securely store all of your valuables. From laptops to camera equipment, important documents to heirlooms, the iM2620 Storm Travel Case from Pelican will guarantee your family’s most important items survive anything nature throws your way. With pad-lockable hasps, double-layered soft-grip handles, powerful hinges, O-ring seals, and tons of interior, customizable padding for accomodating valuables of any shape and size, the storm cases (available in a wide variety of sizes) from Pelican are built to last and guaranteed for life. Pelican is made for life; don’t let anything stop you from exploring the world and taking on any adventure, simply protect your gear, get out, and go.

150 Quart Elite Cooler | iM2620 Storm Travel Case
Pelican | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

Paddle boarding is all the rage these days and what summer vacation would be complete without it? Whether you’re headed out into the ocean, or paddling around the back country waters, a SUP from Decathalon is the way to go. This summer and early fall, make sure to feel the water beneath your feet, breathe in that fresh ocean air, and relax into the simpler time and space one experiences on a traditional, calming paddle board trip downstream.

Perfect for beginners just getting their sea legs, or even those who just aren’t sure they have the space to store a paddle board, the Decathlon Inflatable Touring SUP is the optimal choice. This 11′ paddle board is easy to transport, simple to inflate, and folds down compactly for storage. Featuring an impact-resistant glued drop stitch and PVC construction, this generously sized paddle board is both extremely versatile and comfortable. With a foam deck for comfort and grip, this board provides excellent stability and stiffness for beginners cruising small waves or headed down the river. Suitable for up to two people, this board is optimal for holding over 175 pounds all the way up to 705 pounds. When paired with the SCD Neoprene 3mm Dive Booties, ideal for snorkeling and spearfishing in warm water as well, the traction and grip on your SUP is improved allowing for optimal performance and use of your outdoor gear.

Decathlon Inflatable Touring SUP | SCD Neoprene 3mm Dive Booties
Decathalon | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube


Joovy- Summer

Travel plans may feel a little different than normal. This year we have to get creative, expand our horizons, and explore new venues. Our plans may have deviated but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun! Truth be told, the littlest ones in our lives will enjoy trips anywhere, even ones just around the block. Especially when they are riding in style in their Joovy Tricycoo LX.

Read More: Summer Camping in PandAmerica
Joovy- Summer

The Tricycoo LX 8-in-1 tricycle changes as your child grows from 6 months to 5 years. This is the trike that will last them long after the fun adventures you take this year. Fall in love with this trike and all its fun features like a super comfy ergonomic rotating and reclining seat. In position one, the seat can be turned around to face mom and dad.

Joovy- Summer

The ride is not only comfortable but also safe. The UPF 50+ canopy with window makes sure your little one is always protected. There is a detachable safety bar and parent-controlled handlebar for steering. This trike moves easily and effortlessly for fun walks all over town. Plus there is an adult foot brake and a 5-point harness to make sure your love is always safe.

Features like the early-stage footrest and free swivel pedals allow for little ones to learn and grow at their own pace. Another well thought out feature is the extra-wide front tire for ease of peddling. Joovy has thought of everything, including a machine-washable seat and a tray in the back for carrying essentials. This seat is a dream come true for parents and kiddos alike.

Protecting your little love is of utmost importance, make sure you protect their head with the Noodle Helmet. This helmet is designed with small heads in mind: it is comfortable, adjustable, and strong. Plus it meets the safety standards put forth by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Use the adjustable dial on the back as your kiddo grows.

Joovy- Summer

Adventuring should be on everyone’s list this year. Making memories with your babe that will last a lifetime are more important than any elaborate vacation. Explore the great outdoors, have fun, and grow with the Joovy Tricycoo LX.

Tricycoo LX | Noodle Helmet
Joovy | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube | Pinterest

Delta Children

Bts 20 – Ss

If there is one thing you need this summer when traveling with children, its a stroller. And if you have multiple kids, it must be a double stroller. Whether you are on vacation, running errands, or enjoying an outdoor event, the Jeep Destination Side X Side Double Stroller is going to be one of your most-used gear items this summer. This versatile stroller holds 2 children up to 80 pounds in total along with any extra gear in the underneath storage area.

Bts 20 – Ss

Although this is a double stroller, it is surprisingly lightweight and can be folded into a flat, compact size and easily carried with the convenient carry strap. With the swivel front wheels and one step brakes, parents can easily maneuver through various types of locations and terrains and even through standard doorways. The two swivel child bars not only offers protection for children but also allows them to easily get children in and out.

Parents will be able to keep their kids contained and safe in a reliable stroller while children have a comfortable and smooth ride. Reclining seats, adjustable footrests, and UPF sun protection canopies are just a few of the features that make this such a quality stroller option for families. The bottom line is, kids get tired and hot when walking long distances and just can’t keep up with adults. The Jeep Destination Side X Side Double Stroller is a lifesaver for both children and parents.

Jeep Destination Side X Side Double Stroller
Delta Children | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube | Pinterest

Zeta Personal Air Cooler

The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

Summer in Florida pretty much explains it all…the need for the all-new Zeta Personal Air Cooler from Honeywell! Whether you suffer from night sweats, simply need a cooler work environment, or plan to spend your summer on the porch watching the kids frolic in the yard, this summer and early fall, the Zeta is all you need for keeping calm, cool, and collected. No one enjoys the sticky, sweaty days and nights of summer, and with this all-new easy to use, easy to move personal cooler you no longer have to suffer through the heat.

The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

The Zeta is the ideal personal air cooler because it uses evaporative technology, allowing you to easily refill the detachable water canister from anywhere. The Zeta provides up to 10 hours of cooling air on a full tank of water, and even without water provides a multi-level, adjustable fan for continuous use. This energy-efficient, compressor free cooler is a 3-in-1 fan, cooler, and humidifier that integrates Honeycomb Cooling Technology for healthier air quality as well. Perfectly portable, the Zeta is easy to plug and play where and when you need it most! This ultimate, smart cooling machine is small in size, energy-efficient, and cost-effective for a cooler more enjoyable experience day or night.

Zeta Personal Air Cooler
My Home Climate | Facebook

Sun Bum

The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

Don’t let a sunburn ruin your summer or early fall plans this year, with Sun Bum you can protect everyone from your littlest beachgoer to your weathered old fisherman. Featuring all-natural ingredients, easy application, and a fabulous coconut scent that will immediately transport you to the islands, Sun Bum’s line of products includes sunscreens, lip balms, hair care, baby bath products, and more.

Read More: 3 Ways to Teach your Child Sun Safety

Perfect for long days spent on the water we love Sun Bums Original SPF 70 Sunscreen Spray, Original SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray, Mineral SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray, Mineral SPF 50 Face Stick, and SPF 30 Lip Balms for ultimate sun protection for everyone in the family. Easy to apply (and re-apply) throughout the day, their cruelty-free skin and hair care products are perfect for those who spend time in the sun occasionally and all the time. Additionally, Sun Bum’s new Mineral line is as natural as it gets with a zinc-based collection formulated of only safe, all-natural mineral ingredients. Their ultra-sheer, continuous touch dry spray formula delivers broad-spectrum protection while also moisturizing with vitamin E. Make sure to also pick up their After Sun Cool Down Spray, tinted lip balm, hand sanitizer, and children’s shampoo and body wash available in gel or foaming formulas for the perfect after-sun experience.

Original SPF 70 Sunscreen Spray | Original SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray | Mineral SPF 50 Sunscreen Spray | Mineral SPF 50 Face Stick | SPF 30 Lip Balms | After Sun Cool Down Spray | After Sun Cool Down Spray | Tinted Lip Balm | Hand Sanitizer | Baby Bum Foaming Shampoo & Body Wash | Baby Bum Gel Shampoo & Body Wash | Bath & Beach Toys
Sun Bum | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube | Pinterest

Duluth Trading Co.

The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

Everyone needs a good tackle bag for their outdoor summer excursions. This season look no further than Duluth Trading Co. for all of your outdoor gear hunting, camping, and fishing needs. From waders to coveralls, tackle bags to flashlights, Duluth Trading Co. will help you get prepared and packed for your summer and fall adventures. Perfect for heading down to the river, the Alaskan Hardgear Fishing Tackle Bag has plenty of storage space for your hooks, lures, and plenty more with its 14 pockets plus daisy chain webbing to lash on more storage. With a waterproof base and soft-sided but able to free stand this tackle bag is simple to clean, and easy to carry with either the dual handles or padded mesh shoulder strap. Able to be used as a cooler in a pinch, whether you’re searching for that infamous snowy grouper or simply heading to the stream for a bit of relaxing catch and release, this tackle bag is the one for the job.

Alaskan Hardgear Fishing Tackle Bag
Duluth Trading Co. | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube | Pinterest


The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

We all know our furry friends are part of the family, and this summer and fall whether you are taking Fido along on vacation, or leaving him at home with a pet sitter, give yourself the peace of mind of ensuring his safety at all times. With Huan, you can make sure you always know where your beloved pet is, whether at home or afar. Huan is a Bluetooth smart tag that will help you track your pet should he or she leave home without you. Easy to attach to your furry friend’s collar, the Huan tag is strong, durable, water-resistant, and does not result in any harmful radiation or GPS tracking. The Huan tags are literally small Bluetooth transmitters that can be detected by the Huan Sensor Network or any smartphone with the Huan App installed. This virtual network will send you a message with your pet’s location on the map when they pass by another Huan user or a Huan Sensor. Prevent heartbreak and make sure to keep your roaming pet safe this season with an easy to use collar tag from Huan.

Huan Smart Tag
Huan | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Bts 20 – Ss

Summer means sunshine and heat and when you want to enjoy the outdoors without harmful effects of the sun, you will need an umbrella to provide shade. Sometimes this can be a tricky thing to do if there isn’t a proper surface to put your umbrella or if the wind is too strong. The U-Stand is an umbrella holder, storage compartment, and table all in one. Whether you are heading to the beach, going to a park, or in your own backyard, the U-Stand will hold any size umbrella through 40 mph winds when weighted down. The top also provides a table-like surface with 4 cup holders while also providing a place to keep drinks, snacks, towels, or any other personal items inside the container. The U-Stand is available in several fun summer colors and comes with a convenient shoulder strap.

Umbrella Stand
U-Stand | Facebook | Instagram

No matter where your summer and fall adventures take you make it intentional. Get outdoors, breathe in the fresh air, and allow your surroundings to reinvigorate your mind, body, and soul. Time spent outside, whether at work or play, is beneficial for the health and well-being of all of us so take the time to take care of you by getting outside, enjoying the sunshine or the cool mountain air, and making sure you take the gear you need so you can easily enjoy your experience.

Check out this article on 20 Awesome Learning Toys And Books to Help With Virtual or In School Learning.

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The Best Summer & Fall Outdoor Gear For Families

About admin

I am a father of three and my wife is a registered nurse specialized in children.

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