Thanksgiving is just around the corner. After you have fully indulged yourself in the gluttony of a meal filled with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and a few slices of pie (it would be rude not to try them all), your mind starts wandering to the next phase of the holiday season: Black Friday.
For many people, Black Friday is something they look forward to every year. They scour the available deals on the internet, map out their route, and get their sleeping bags ready for an overnight camping trip in the Target parking lot. It is as big of a tradition as Thanksgiving itself, and it can be fun if you plan it out the right way.
Here are 5 tips for Black Friday Shopping:
1Know the Store Policies
We’ve all done it- we purchase an item that we think is a great deal and then we get home and realize we can get a better deal on Cyber Monday or that the bright pink scarf just isn’t the right gift for Grandma Linda. Make sure you know the store’s policies on returning items purchased on Black Friday. Don’t wait too long to make those returns because sometimes the window is shorter on deal days like this. You may only get store credit back, too.
Check and see if the store does price matching on Black Friday as well. If you find a great deal in one store but another store across town is selling it for $4 less, the current store may match it. Not all stores will price match on Black Friday even if they price match on a regular basis, so be sure to read up on the policies.
2Grab Your Coffee From Home
Coffee shops are going to be insanely crowded, especially during those wee hours of the morning. There is something to be said for a piping hot peppermint mocha on a Black Friday morning, but do yourself a favor and don’t waste time waiting in line- make your own at home before you head out the door.
3Search for the Best Deals and Analyze the Cost Benefits
Many dedicated Black Friday shoppers will sit themselves down a few weeks before Black Friday and start searching for the best deals. They go from website to website, spending hours making sure they know how to shop when the big day arrives.
The Flipp app takes all that planning and puts it into one convenient place. This free shopping app can help you find all the best deals on Black Friday before Black Friday even begins. You can search all the circulars or even use the search tab to find deals on particular items. This gives you an easy way to compare if a “deal” is actually a deal before you walk into the store and a blaring sign tries to tell you so.
Download Flipp here
The best part about using Flipp for Black Friday shopping is that the new DEALS tab will show you where are the sales are in your area. You can either browse through the tab or search for a particular item making it easier than ever to make sure you know what store you need to head to first on that Black Friday morning.
4Know What You’re Looking For and Set Your Budget
Don’t go into Black Friday shopping blind. Make a list of things you want to try and score and search where the best deals are for your area. You can use the Flipp app to create your shopping list ahead of time with the Shopping List tab, which also shows you where your items are on sale around you. You can even share your list with a family member or friend so you can cover more ground. Of course, part of the fun of Black Friday is finding items on sale that you didn’t even think of, so be open to the possibility of finding amazing deals along the way.
It’s also easy to get carried overboard though. You see all these amazing deals and you start to get serious FOMO, causing you to fill up your cart faster than you can say “HO HO HO.” If you set a budget prior to stepping out, you can stop yourself from making unnecessary purchases.
5Be Kind
The last tip can’t be found on any deals website or in any app: be kind. Black Friday is notorious for bringing out the worst in people as they try to grab that last television or hot toy of the season. Those around you might not be so nice, but if you are able to take everything in stride and be kind to those around you it will make for a better shopping experience for everyone.
In honor of Black Friday, Flipp is hosting the “Flipp’s Black Friday Sweepstakes”. Enter by November 22nd for your chance to win a 4K Smart TV and a Wal-Mart gift card to create a home theater of your dreams.
Flipp’s Black Friday Sweepstakes
Black Friday is an American tradition. It’s simple- we eat a ton of food, sleep outside stores, and then spend tons of money. But we can make it even simpler by preparing ourselves before the stores open at midnight. With the Flipp app we can create our shopping list, search for deals, and even price compare while we are out shopping making Black Friday shopping a breeze. And as long as we are kind to one another, shopping can be fun, easy, and joyous- just like the holiday season should be.
To check out our favorite holiday gifts with our Holiday Gift Guides, click here.
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